Daily Money Managing


Frequently Asked Questions about our Daily Money Managing services:

What services do you provide?

  • Arrange for bills to be paid and important papers safeguarded
  • List tax deductions for the accountant
  • Monitor bank and investment statements for errors and fraud
  • Create and review budgets and track spending
  • Teach financial wellness practices

What other team members might you work with to serve your clients?

  • Their attorney and power of attorney, trustee, personal representative, financial planner, tax accountant, senior living facility staff.

Who are your clients?

  • Mostly seniors — 60 to 95, singles or couples, still working or retired, living independently or in senior living facilities.

How do you screen potential clients?

  • An initial phone call, followed by an in-person visit in their home to evaluate comfort level and trust on both sides, as well as the scope of work.
  • The client has a power of attorney available to work with the daily money manager as needed.  The client also signs a contract and pays a retainer.

How often do you work with your clients?

  • Usually once or twice a month.

How are you working during the coronavirus?

  • Either remotely, outside their home in nice weather, or inside their home while observing multiple safety practices.

Which aspects of your services do your clients value the most?

  • Confidentiality:  I protect their privacy and keep their confidences.
  • Objectivity:  I am neutral about how they spend their money.
  • Clarity:  I can show them exactly where their money is going.
  • Emotional support:  Money is such a trigger for most people that they love being able to speak freely about it.  I want my clients to be happy, safe, and well taken care of so that they can focus their attention on living the lives they want t to live.

Contact Maggie Knowles Productions


“Maggie puts our bills in order by due date, reconciles our bank accounts in QuickBooks, and prepares a report showing what we owe to whom, when it’s due, and when we are best positioned to pay it. Her expertise has made all the difference in keeping our financial records organized and easily accessible.” — Mary Anderson, Realtor

“We hired Maggie to help us after my husband could no longer pay the bills himself.  She has:

  • Helped me to visualize where we were spending money and where to save it.
  • Helped my husband to let go of bill paying and sell his beloved car.
  • Set up a bills calendar to prevent late payments, shut-off notices, and overdrafts.
  • Found unauthorized credit card use and discovered a large forgotten debt we owed.
  • Organized our financial papers in one location and listed our tax deductions.”  — H.H.W.